Here Are 5 Types Of Insurance You Need To Consider Getting This Valentine’s Day!

Here Are 5 Types Of Insurance You Need To Consider Getting This Valentine’s Day!

Here Are 5 Types Of Insurance You Need To Consider Getting This Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and what better way to kick off this day of love by making sure you have the proper insurance policies to protect the ones you love. Typically you would not hear someone say that Valentine’s Day is a great day to get insurance but we disagree. We at Insura understand that the people we love can be affected by the insurance that we have or don’t have. So let’s kick off the day of love with the top five types of insurance you should get this year.

1. Life Insurance

Life Insurance is one of those things that either you are very concerned about or you avoid it like the plaque. If you love the people around you then you need to consider taking out a policy that will cover your family in the case of death. We don’t want to talk about death but we all die and we don’t know when it will happen.

Life Insurance Ohio

2. Auto Insurance

You probably already have auto insurance but you may not have the right coverage to really protect you and your family. Most states only require you to carry liability but this really won’t protect your family in the case of an accident. If someone ends up going to the ER and the at-fault driver does not have adequate coverage you will end up paying out of pocket.  Consider raising your coverage to something that will cover everyone in the case of tragedy. Request a quote.

Auto Insurance Ohio

3. Renter’s Insurance

If your family rents a house or apartment you might want to consider taking out a renter’s insurance policy. A renter’s insurance policy will protect your property in case of fire, burglary and more. Keep your family’s assets safe and request a quote today!

renters insurance ohio

4. Flood Insurance

Flood Insurance is one of the most important policies you can ever take out. Just imagine some big storm comes through your town and the river floods into the city and your home just happens to be where the affected area was. Guess what? Without the proper insurance, your family will lose everything they worked so hard for. Make Valentine’s Day the day to protect your family!

Flood Insurance Ohio

5. Home Owner’s Insurance

If you own a home this is a must-have policy. If anything happens to your home the insurance company will help you recoup your losses. Your family cannot afford to lose everything.

home owners insurance ohio

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