How to Save on Homeowner’s Insurance

How to Save on Homeowner’s Insurance

How to Save on Homeowner’s Insurance

Making sure that you save a few bucks but still get good enough homeowner’s insurance can be tricky at times. Insura Insurance has for decades provided homeowners affordable insurance that has proven to give them the perfect coverage for their needs. Over the years, we have given our clientele advice that is unbiased and helpful. In this blog post, we want to highlight five things that you should do to make sure you don’t overspend on your homeowner’s insurance.

1. Shop Around

Take the time to shop around. Don’t just find insurance and buy it on the spot. Sometimes spending a little bit of time will help you save hundreds of dollars per year.

2. Raise Your Deductible

A deductible is your portion that needs to be paid out before the insurance claim will cover any loss. If you are okay with it you should try to change it to a higher amount and see if your premium goes down. More times than not it will go down resulting in cheaper coverage.

3. Don’t confuse what you paid for your house with rebuilding costs

The land under your house isn’t at risk from theft, windstorm, fire and the other perils covered in your homeowner’s policy.  So don’t include its value in deciding how much homeowners insurance to buy. If you do, you will pay a higher premium than you should.

4. Buy your home and auto insurance from the same company.

Many companies will give you a discount if you buy auto and home in a bundle. Typically you can save anywhere from 5 to 15 percent.

5. Make your home disaster resistant.

You may be wondering what this means. Usually, there are things you can do to your home that will help prevent damage from windstorms and other natural disasters. Reach out to one of our agents today to see how much you can save!

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